Comp Vis, 2014
7:05 2448 × 1024 video, single channel audio
7:05 2448 × 1024 video, single channel audio
Comp Vis is a computer vision re-interpretation of Norman McLaren's 'Synchronomy'.
The visuals of McLaren’s original work are composed by photographing the film's optical soundtrack, creating synchrony between image and sound.
Comp Vis uses computer vision to identify 'areas of interest' in the original work, multiplying this selected area across the screen.
A soundtrack is generated from this re-composed image, tracking the overall brightness of each frame and converting it to an audible frequency.
This re-interpretation preserves the audio and visual linkage of the original while delegating the visual selection and construction of the image to the computer vision algorithm.
The visuals of McLaren’s original work are composed by photographing the film's optical soundtrack, creating synchrony between image and sound.
Comp Vis uses computer vision to identify 'areas of interest' in the original work, multiplying this selected area across the screen.
A soundtrack is generated from this re-composed image, tracking the overall brightness of each frame and converting it to an audible frequency.
This re-interpretation preserves the audio and visual linkage of the original while delegating the visual selection and construction of the image to the computer vision algorithm.