Natural Static
NFT series, 2023, 260 tokens
NFT series, 2023, 260 tokens
Natural Static feeds videos of natural motion into a pixel-based water simulation, creating a representation of physical motion that is both highly digital and deeply analog.
Explore variation below by clicking on the blue button, or open the full-screen generator.
Natural Static was released with JPG alongside an online exhibition curated by Brian Droitcour and was the subject of a solo exhibition at Public Works Administration in New York City in October 2023. View minted works here.
The piece uses WebGL to turn each pixel on your screen into its own feedback system. Each pixel has a high probability of sampling its previous state, and a low probability of sampling the video of water in motion.
Information on the filming location, weather and time of day for video can be obtained by calling getVideoInfo(tokenId) on the contract. In the case a video file is lost, the artist authorizes the collector to re-create the video using the parameters in the video info file.
Explore variation below by clicking on the blue button, or open the full-screen generator.
Natural Static was released with JPG alongside an online exhibition curated by Brian Droitcour and was the subject of a solo exhibition at Public Works Administration in New York City in October 2023. View minted works here.

The piece uses WebGL to turn each pixel on your screen into its own feedback system. Each pixel has a high probability of sampling its previous state, and a low probability of sampling the video of water in motion.
- Feedback Type
- Increment - pixels are incremented until they reach max brightness , then roll over to min brightness.
- Decrement - pixels are decremented until they reach min brightness, then roll over to max brightness.
- RGBIncrement - the red, green and blue channels of each pixel are incremented at varying rates, and are individually rolled over to 0.
- RGBDecrement - the red, green and blue channels of each pixel are decremented at varying rates, and are individually rolled up to 1.
- Feedback Speed
- A value between 2 and 5 is used to select the speed from a list of pre-calculated frequencies, which are pulled from the videos using Fourier transform analysis. This mathematical function finds the dominant frequencies in a signal. Videos with gentle motion will have a lower set of frequency values than videos with strong currents.
- Colour Mode
- Colour Mode translates the pixels in the feedback system into the final output you see, performing various combinations or translations of the base RGB values in the feedback system.
- Video Speed
- Either half or full, and changes the rate at which the underlying video is played back at.
- Video Id
- The index of the video which your piece samples from.
Information on the filming location, weather and time of day for video can be obtained by calling getVideoInfo(tokenId) on the contract. In the case a video file is lost, the artist authorizes the collector to re-create the video using the parameters in the video info file.